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SAIL, RSP trains 20 women of Teterkela Village of Nuagaon Block in Mushroom Cultivation

By Subrat Sarangi

Rourkela, Feb. 10: SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has imparted training to 20 women of Teterkela Village of Nuagaon Block in Mushroom Cultivation. The training took place  at the Institute of Periphery Development of RSP on 8th and 9th February 2023. Ms. Munmun Mittra, GM (CSR) presided over the valedictory function and handed over the Certificate of completion to the trainees.  Also present were other officials of the Department.

The sessions included theoretical inputs on ‘Dhingri Chattu’ Mushroom cultivation process along with practical demonstration. After the completion of the training programme each trainee is given a bottle of mushroom seed to cultivate at their respective places and motivate others for the same.

The training was imparted by Master Trainers Mr. Tintus Vengra from CSR Department and Ms. Kamala Toppo of Suman SHG of Dalposh Village, a trained Mushroom Training instructor.

The closing function was coordinated by Mr. T B Toppo, AGM (CSR)  while Mr. A N Pati, Senior Manager (CSR) proposed a formal vote of thanks.

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