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Author: Professor Dr. Rajat Kumar Satpathy

 Publisher: BFC publications

 Genre: Anthology

Pages : 146

Price: 243 rupees

Kirti Vishwakarma

In Professor Dr. Rajat Kumar Satpathy’s ‘An Experiment With My Thoughts’  encounters  various questions of any common man’s mind about ‘What  is life and death?’ It also mentions beautifully the condition of human souls in today’s world.

In his poem ‘Awaken Human Soul,’ he tries too hard to ‘Awaken…still there is time’ to regain the lost Paradise. ‘The Power of Subconscious Mind’ truly reveals that one’s mind is one’s Guru. He critically plays a satire that Russia and Ukraine fight on the principle that destruction is a means to bring welfare for them and their people.

Poem emphasizes futility of war, leading to destruction which needs repair at the earliest possible and addresses that one day there will be :one world and one nation’ and then nobody will win a war.

‘A valuable I lost’ tells everyone that the time is the most valuable thing because death will come and take you away without your consent.

In the poem “Konark Dies Slow” there is an element of sublimity which expresses that death makes every material thing immortal, and the temple like Konark being built with a strong materials is a struggling to die slowly. It makes me realize that whatever be the creation of human is an outcome of his/ her ego thus in due course of time, the man who created it become immortal after death comparatively sooner than the creation itself, which is left alone to struggle and maintain it’s existence . “The World: A Kingdom Of Death” put forward  the core truth , that the ‘Life’ is a shadow of ‘Death.’

 It says life and death occurs simultaneously and moreover both actually don’t exist because they are complementary to each other, when one vanishes the other loses its existence itself . A person who sees life will experience death also. ‘A Satirical Dream’ expresses his gratitude to Shri Ram saying that it is his miracle to establish one word one nation , but when he walks up he witnesses that there are border conflicts, religious discrimination ,people fighting against each other in the name of God and claiming ‘Jai Shri Ram’ as a political slogan . He praised that time should go slow because innumerable questions are still left unanswered he talks of India becoming first person “I” from the third person ‘She’ is blessed by “Shree Maa”.

In ‘An Anatomy of Mine’ the fact that sufferings result into Joy ,Love ,Respect and Happiness if an alternate wrong path is not chosen to run away from those sufferings  is told . He quotes ‘sufferings are my inspiration’ and says ‘I know who am I ? ‘ If one can know one’s real form then his ego could be transformed into a positive ego which will leave and everlasting impression in this world. It is clearly expressed that one true betrayal is essentially required to live life worthy. In internationally published poem ‘Fire’ it is expressed that for every human being ‘Fire’ is the most important  for sustaining the life . Duty of fire starts with the birth of a child , sustaining life processes and its work is over after burning of dead body. His poems talk of an individual’s dream to build an identity, that would survive after death,and expresses helplessness to do so in this physical , material world although a person is identity less before birth.  He experiences peace and mother’s womb with birth  all his suffering starts and the more a person wants to get rid of it ,the more are it’s arrival which finally  ends with Death.

He expresses his grief on present day world as people are fighting and doing violence . Prayers are made through his poems that the thought of ‘I’ vanishes one day , when the answer to the question ‘Who Am I?’ is received ,because our desires are the root cause of our sorrows . It expresses that in spite of numerous birthday celebrations the real me is yet to be born and before every creation there is a ‘Silence’ which is the ruler of creation. One could become the cosmos itself by achieving silence . ‘A Social Satire ‘ beautifully expresses that we can divide whatever is our own creation but on a positive note we have failed as a human to divide the nature including plants , animals on Earth .

Thus in an anthology of 60 upgrading poems he has asked all what could be asked and has answered whatever could be answered . This book is what will keep you thinking about everything you were are and would be as a possibility in this world .

This wonderful book is available on Amazon for all of you. I wish all the good blessings for the success of this book to the author Professor Dr. rajat Kumar Satpathy.

Kirti Vishwakarma

(Engineer, Advocate, Assistant Professor, Social Activist and Politician )

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