Indiscipline in the temple of Democracy

BHUBANESWAR,AUG 24 : The New Government of Odisha arranged a Training Program for the newly elected Members of the Legislative Assembly, titled as “Assembly Reform Program “. It is not necessary to say that the expenses made on this account are made from the public coffer. Now a question arises, what are the effective components of these expenses?
Though this program was organized outside the party politics, two major parties have not participated in the program and went for their own program. Whether it is a democratic spirit or something else, they know it better than anybody else. What was the behavior of the MLAs before this training and after this training to be observed?
The citizens observed same, Hullagulla, Strike and in-disciplined behavior inside the Assembly. The speaker had to adjourn the assembly several times due to this unholy behavior of the members and the nuisance they showed. The Assembly is a place where all disputes, difference of opinions are solved by the elected members. These gentle men are selected few persons sent to the Assembly and they are the noble layer of citizens.
The assembly is the most pious place in the institution of democracy. The status of an Assembly is no way less than a temple. The operating cost of conducting sessions in the Parliament is Rs 2.5 lakhs each minute. Figures for the state assembly are not available. It can be estimated as 1/4th of it (Based on Member Capacity). It is nearly 60,000 rupees every minute. Do the tax payers spend this money to finance novice behavior of the members?
The speaker of the house is equipped with several remedial measures. It is unfortunate that, she is not utilizing her power and brings the un-ruled members to order. The electors cannot tolerate this attitude indefinitely and they can’t see their money wasted unproductively. As a last resort, they may be forced to take law to their own hands and thrash these undemocratic members in the public and may force their entry to the Assembly to take care of their rights.
Barada Prassana Das, the President of the ‘Thinkers’ Club’ and Umasankar Misra, the Secretary of the Club have requested the honourable members in a press release to stop this unruly behavior and attitude. They also requested the Speaker to take strong steps in this matter. They have also drawn the matter to the eyes of the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister. They requested the CM and PM to take some early steps in the interest of the citizens of the country.