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By Sasmita Sai

Bhubaneswar, Sept 18 : One Week One Lab programme is held from 11th to 16th September 2023, aimimg to create awareness about the available technologies, in the areas of Minerals, Materials and Environmental Sustainability, and services present at CSIR-IMMT among potential stakeholders.

 Day 6 of OWOL specifically honoured the Research scholars of CSIR-IMMT through a Research Scholar’s conclave. The conclave was inaugurated by the Director AcSIR, Prof. M.K. Dhar as our Chief Guest, Dr. A. K. Shashany Director NBRI,   Prof. Anupam Agnihotri, Director JNARDDC Nagpur, Prof. B.K. Satpathy, Former ED Nalco as the guest of honour. The inaugural session was chaired by Dr. Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT. There was a poster session by our Research Scholars where 100 plus posters were displayed and the scholars interacted with the guests and peers discussed the future research potentials.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT said, “”

There were special talks by Padmashree Prof. A.P. Dash (VC, AIPH University, Bhubaneswar) and Prof. A.K. Mahapatra (Former Director, AIIMS Bhubaneswar) to motivate the scholars and students of the institute about the importance of research for science and society.

This was followed by the valedictory function of the weeklong program. Our colleagues who have superannuated from their services from CSIR-IMMT will be our special guests for the valedictory function.  Eminent researcher and Former Principal of SCB Medical College, Prof. Sidhartha Das addressed the audience as our Guest of Honour and Mr. M.K. Gupta, Joint Secretary, CSIR graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

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