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SBI Life’s ‘ThanksADot’; aBreast Cancer Awareness Initiative, bids to normalize self-breast examination amongst Indian women

NEW DELHI, OCT 19  : October, being International Breast Cancer Awareness month, SBI Life launches ‘Thanks-a-Dot’ initiative to spread awareness about the need for self-breast examination to fight breast cancer. There is no doubt that breast cancer is themost common malignancy among women around the world. It has now become one of the most common cancers in India. As per industry reports, every 4 minutes one woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer in India. More importantly, about 50% of the women are already at stage threewhen they consult a doctor, and 15 – 20% at stage fourleading to extremely low survival rates.

Taking into consideration the above facts, SBI Life Insurance continues to build upon its ‘Thanks a Dot’ Breast Cancer Awareness Initiative.For the fourth year in a row,‘Thanks A Dot’continues to keep its focus intact towards empowering the women of India by raising awareness around breast cancer and promote the importance of self-breast examination for early lump detection.The company plans to run the initiative across multiple digital mediums to spur converstaions around breast cancer and why bringing a behavioural change will aid in saving lives by adopting a life-saving skill. The long-standing initiative aims at persuading women to make self-breast checks a regular habit so that early detection of lumps can save lives.

With this, the company released a new digital video by roping in a renowned TV celebrity, Ms. Prachee Shah Pandya, who triggerscuriosity amongst the viewers by saying ‘Know your Double O and learn a life-saving skill’,urging viewers to find out more by messaging ‘Hi’ on a WhatsApp number- 8860780000.

Click on the link to view the digital video:

The Whatsapp Chat Bot aims at engaging and educating women about the impact of the deadly disease. The objective is to push women to bring in the behavioural change by considering self-breast examination, an important step towards combating the disease. As this will help them understand how lumps could feel and take necessary action for timely detection. While there is a lot of informative content available on the Chat Bot, setting a reminder for one’s self-check, explain the right way to examine breast health etc., is now just a click away. An interactive web-app with touch sensitivity sensors in smart screens will also be launched in a phase-wise manner to train the fingers for accurate breast self-examination.

Speaking about the campaign, Mr. Ravindra Sharma, Chief of Brand, Corporate Communication & CSR, SBI Life Insurance said “Women in India, most of the times, de-prioritize their health over other responsibilities. Breast Cancer being the most common cancer affecting women in India and the world, makes it crucial for everyone to be aware.

There is a continuous need to spur converstaions around the topic and push women to bring in a behavioural change by adopting self-breast examination at their convenience but at regular intervals. Keeping in mind the dire need to raise awareness, SBI Life’sBreast Cancer Awareness Initiative, ‘Thanks A Dot’ aims to not just make people aware of the deadly disease but also educatethem about a life-saving skill that can help in early lump detection and save a life.

 With the launch of the interactive WhatsApp Chat Bot, information about the disease and setting reminders etc. will be easy and engagingthe audience will help in letting the message reach maximum people across the country.”

He further added, “Being a socially responsible organisation, we believe that we have an important role to play in educating and empowering women by raising awareness about breast cancer and enabling them to conduct self-examinations regularly. Self-examination, thus becomes a very important step towards combating breast cancer. We hope that SBI Life’s ‘Thanks A Dot’initiative willmake breast health an accepted topic in the Indian society by promoting discussions around it.”

 To engage maximum audience, the campaign will utilize multi-channel platforms like PR, Digital, Social media, etc. to raise awareness around breast cancer. This apart the company also plans to organise rural breast cancer awareness camps across the country to spur conversations around its impact and importance of self-checks.

Commenting on the campaign, Sahil Shah, Managing Partner, Dentsu Creative/WATConsult, said, “Breast cancer cases are rapidly growing in India because of the cultural taboo around women’s health causes. We, as an agency, have always promoted behaviour changing life-saving initiatives. This time along with SBI Life we found a way to take our multiyear Thanks a Dot breast cancer initiative to as many homes as possible in a digital execution. We are proud of kick-start a 6-month long activation where we teach self-examination techniques using digital as well as phygital means to a wide number of women. Most of whom will learn and discover the benefits of self-breast-examination for the first time”.

To start a dialogue about breast health and the importance of self-breast examinations among women in both urban and rural areas of India, the company launched the ‘Thanks-A-Dot’ initiative in the year 2019. As part of their campaign to spread awareness, SBI Life had also organized educational workshops in rural India in the past to break down sociocultural barriers associated with breast cancer.

About SBI Life Insurance

SBI Life Insurance (‘SBI Life’ / ‘The Company’), one of the most trusted life insurance companies in India, was incorporated in October 2000 and is registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) in March 2001.

Serving millions of families across India, SBI Life’s diverse range of products caters to individuals as well as group customers through Protection, Pension, Savings and Health solutions.

Driven by ‘Customer-First’ approach, SBI Life places great emphasis on maintaining world class operating efficiency and providing hassle-free claim settlement experience to its customers by following high ethical standards of service. Additionally, SBI Life is committed to enhance digital experiences for its customers, distributors and employees alike.

SBI Life strives to make insurance accessible to all, with its extensive presence across the country through its 970 offices, 18,401 employees, a large and productive individual agent network of about 161,923 agents, 56 corporate agents and 14 bancassurance partners with more than 40,000 partner branches, 119 brokers and other insurance marketing firms.

In addition to doing what’s right for the customers, the company is also committed to provide a healthy and flexible work environment for its employees to excel personally and professionally.

SBI Life strongly encourages a culture of giving back to the society and has made substantial contribution in the areas of child education, healthcare, disaster relief and environmental upgrade. In 2021-22, the Company touched over 2 lakh direct beneficiaries through various CSR interventions.

Listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (‘BSE’) and the National Stock Exchange (‘NSE’), the company has an authorized capital of Rs. 20.0 billion and a paid up capital of ` 10.0 billion. The AuM is Rs.2,623.5 billion.

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