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CUTTACK, MAR 9 :  The Thinkers’ Club here arranged it’s 114th webinar over the zoom Platform to discuss on the relevance and importance of the Vedas in the present time and it’s impact on the society. The meeting was inaugurated by Professor Dr Prafulla Mishra, former Vice President of the Beda Bhawan Nyasha of Ujjaini. Doctor Gopal Chandra Dash, a researcher and a scholar of the vedic studies joined as the chief speaker. Shree Barada Das co-ordinated the meet.

According to Professor Mishra, Vedas are the first spiritual books of the Sanatanis. It is created nearly 6 to 7 thousand years back. Though the calculation of exact time is controversial, existence of the scriptures are of paramount importance. The Sanatan religion is the actual religion but others are fractions. (Sampradaya)  Veda is the store house of all knowledge. It contains all aspects of human endeavor. Astrology, Medicine, State Craft, Politics, Economics, literature and many other branches of knowledge are embodied in the Vedas. Ruck, Jajur, Sham and Atharba Vedas were created in one period. It may not be created by one person. The ancient Rishis of this country narrated the shlokas (hymns) of the Vedas to their disciples and it is carried down till today. Since in the initial stage, the letters and writing was not available, these sacred texts were remembered by people and recited before the learners.

Doctor Gopal Dash, complemented the sayings of Prof Mishra in his speech. According to him, the Vedas are a great ocean of knowledge. There is no branch of knowledge not seen in the Vedas. Answering to the queries of the listeners and viewers he said, Vedas do not describe worship of images. Vedas do not treat women differently. God is one. Who is neither visible nor touchable. He can be only realized with deep sense of submission. Certain people give life to the images at the time of performing any rituals. They also give farewell to these images. This is not acceptable to the scholars. There is no such mention in the scriptures like that. Vedas are a combination of three characteristics. Those are Godly, Nature related and Religious topics. ( Aadi Daibika, Aadi Bhoutika and Aadhyamtika)

Barada Das, the President of the Club said, it is relevant to discuss on the Vedas on this day of International Women’s’ Day. Vedas do not restrict women to read it. The names of the early women scholars are note worthy in this context. According to him, the Vedas contain knowledge on what is to be done and what is not to be done. He also said, the Vedas are divine knowledge.

Shree Gurukrushna Das, Dr Banshidhar Das, Professor Umasankar Misra along with some others participated in the question answer session and got clarification to their queries. The meeting ended with vote of thanks.

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