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Our Teachers always rise to the Occasion

Today, the 5th September 2022, is the Teacher’s day. This is also the Birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former President of India. As Dr. Radhakrishnan was an ideal teacher, since the year 1967, in India 5th September is celebrated as Teacher’s day to remember and felicitate the teaching community for their contributions to educate and train the younger generation of the country to bring socio economic developments in the society when they grow up.

‘COVID – 19’ (Corona Virus) the deadly viral epidemic which originated in China, aggressed the humanity all over the world since 2019. In this epidemic, cores of people all over the world, suffered and millions of them died. The citizens of India suffered by COVID – 19 very badly and it crippled our socio economic developments. In this disaster, for nearly 2 years our educational activities were also very badly affected. To avoid the attack of the virus, in all educational institutions the students and teachers were advised not to be present in the class rooms physically. However, without much delay the teachers, realizing the value of time and carrier of the students, initiated teaching the students through online classes (through video programme). In this type of teaching the teachers all over the country have exhibited their sincerity in imparting knowledge to the students as effectively as possible. In this process through frequent periodic tests, the students became more serious in their studies. In different ways the teachers remained in contact with the students both in school and university levels and could successfully complete their courses of studies. The online examinations were also nicely organized and held by the teachers effectively.

In many cases particularly in school level, the teachers were in touch with parents to ensure that their children were regular in their studies. In this COVID – 19 affected period, the sincere services offered by the teachers to their students are highly praise worthy. It may be mentioned here that, in some institutions the teachers even with half pay, have willingly taught their students with all sincerity. In this way the teaching community have helped the nation in a big way. All the parents should be grateful to them for their invaluable service during COVID – 19. During good old days, the teachers used to be respected in the society and considered to be the next to the parents for grooming the younger generation. The situation during COVID – 19 has reestablished the importance of teachers in the society for grooming our younger generation.

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