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Naveen Jindal Led Flag Foundation installs Monumental Flag at Military Station in Guwahati

By Subrat Sarangi

Guwahati / New Delhi, April 20: In its endeavour to promote the display of the Indian National Flag and instill the feeling of patriotism among Indians, The Flag Foundation of India has dedicated another Monumental Flag at Narangi Military station in Guwahati on the occasion of Bihu. Industrialist Naveen Jindal led Flag Foundation has been instrumental in the installation of monumental flags across the country. Eastern army commander Lt. Gen. R P Kalita was the chief guest on occasion.

Democratization of the Indian National Flag has always been a priority issue for the President of the Flag Foundation of India, Mr Naveen Jindal. He fought a decade-long legal battle to empower every citizen to fly and display our National Flag with pride, dignity & Honour.

Mr Naveen Jindal always wanted citizens to display the Tiranga to show their respect and pride towards the nation. After he joined the Lok Sabha as a newly elected MP after winning the 2004 general elections from Kurukshetra Constituency, he was informed that a Member of Parliament cannot wear the Tiranga on the clothes under rule 349 (XIV) of the House Mr Jindal filed a petition to the chair for permission to wear the National flag and got the resolution passed in the Parliament. In line with the action, he got amended the Prevention of Insults to National Honor Act-1971 on 20 December 2005, which allowed citizens of India to wear the National Flag above the waist.

Flag Foundation of India, under the leadership of Shri Naveen Jindal, introduced the concept of Monumental Flags in India in 2009. Since then the organisation has installed more than 100 monumental flags, across the Country.

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