Dr. Phani Mohanty
The beautiful orchard of autumnal withered leaves
charming and appealing
How captivating, alluring
the pale blue feet of Mona on it!
Naughty wind not obeying
Fluttering her silken veil
So desirable!
Plethora of wakefulness
In her drained blue eyes
thrilling each beat of heart
Inviting, tempting
the beam of her smile
on the warm trembling lips
Beyond all senses unquestionably.
Mona! Oh my beloved Mona!
Why did you leave the
Velvety radiant bed
Prior to advent of Sun today?
You are not an ordinary?
Surely you are not meant to be that.
You are an embodiment of divinity,
Especially special;
Entwined and absorbed into an
Blossoming of fragrance
How delectable !
For whom is this melodious music of flute
flowing joyously in the air of love
Echoing your mellifluous tone
Shimmering and unfolding
My unspoken desire?
No! absolutely not
You are not a companion or beloved
Of a distrust one!
Ufffff the confusion !
Whose are you then dear Mona?
whose are you?
Be the way you were
Until infinity runs out
Forever and ever
To the sky and beyond
In my misery and delight
You are mine, only mine .