Laughter is the best medicine for humans

By Akshya Rout
JAJPUR,JAN 17 : One of the best feelings in the world that also brings so much of cheer to life is laughter. It really is one of the best medicines in the world. Also, whether it’s a smile or just a slight giggle, laughter completely alters the atmosphere and mood of the surroundings. Furthermore, it makes you feel good and everyone around you will also feel positive vibes.
The laughter is the best medicine essay teaches you the important benefits of inculcating laughter in day to day life. Laughter acts as a powerful antidote for pain, stress, and conflict.
There is nothing that works faster in order to bring back mind and body into balance than a good laugh. Also, humor lightens your burden, connects you to others and keep you focused. Thus, laughter has so much power to renew and heal one’s mind and body. Also, the ability to laugh frequently is the best way to surmount the problems.
Furthermore, it supports your emotional as well as physical health. Additionally, laughter also enhances your relationships. A good hearty laugh everyday relieves a person from stress and physical tension. Thus, even the muscles are relaxed after good laughter of 45 minutes. Laughter increases the immune cells in your body and decreases the stress hormones.
Also, it fights the infection-fighting antibodies. So, it helps in improving a person’s resistance to power against the diseases. Laughter increases the blood in your body and also the functioning of blood vessels. Thus, it can help in protecting a person against a heart attack. Additionally, laughter helps you feel good.
The good feeling that you actually get during laughter remains with you even when you stop laughing. Thus, laughter helps you with a positive view in difficult times. A slight smile or a laugh can do a world of good for you. Laughing is a good workout for your cardio. Especially for people that are not very active throughout the day can laugh several times.
Writer Taraprasad Mishra Said A smile, laughter, or just a giggle changes the whole environment around you. When a person stays happy, their immunity increases, and they have more chances of remaining healthy.
For the same reason, laughter can be said to be the best medicine a doctor can ever prescribe. You would have seen that doctors always carry beautiful smiles on their faces so that the patients also learn to be happy all the time.
Pritiranjan Ghadei Said A wholehearted smile can bring a positive vibe and lighten up the entire surrounding. Sometimes, a child’s innocent smile is all that is required to enliven the minds of anyone who sees it. You would have noticed that a doctor asks the family to always keep the patient happy so that they would recover quickly.
The mind and body are wired; a healthy mind promotes a healthy body. Laughter is, therefore, considered the best medicine to get people better as it increases immunity in the human body. It sets a positive atmosphere and helps patients think optimistically which would, in turn, better their ailments.Engnieer Arun Pattnaik Said Laughter is the best medicine for humans. Laughter works as the best therapy for a person.
If one laughs, their immunity increases and it enables them to fight against diseases. Laughter works faster than any medicine on a patient’s body. A lot of people go through depression, anxiety, etc., and the best therapy for them, as well, is laughter.