Business News

International Day of Forest

15,000 Trees Planted at Dhamra Port Premises

By Amar Barik

Dhamra, March 22 :  In a remarkable display of environmental stewardship, Dhamra Port witnessed the planting of 15,000 saplings on the eve of the International Day of Forests. Under the leadership of Devendra Thakar, CEO, Dhamra Port initiated a plantation drive, with the participation of essential personnel such as port officials, alongside nearly 50 other individuals. This endeavour highlighted Dhamra Port’s dedication to environmental sustainability. The United Nations General Assembly announced 21st March as the International Day of Forests in 2012. The day aims to respect and promote the value of a wide range of forests.

The plantation drive not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of Dhamra Port but also serves as a testament to its commitment to environmental conservation. As the saplings take root and flourish, they are expected to contribute significantly to the local biodiversity and ecosystem health. Each participant, armed with shovels and enthusiasm, contributed to the green initiative aimed at bolstering the local ecosystem and mitigating carbon footprint. The team emphasized the importance of such initiatives in nurturing the environment for future generations.

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