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Innovative livelihood project brings changes in life of displaced people

By Nalini Sahu

BHUBANESWAR, MAY 23: An innovative livelihood restoration project (LRP) in launched by country’s leading power producer GMR Kamalanga Energy Limited (GKEL) has brought significant changes in the life of displaced people in Odisha’s Dhenkanal district.

The project, which aims to enhance income of more than 1500 project-hit families through agri-based activity, employable skill training, modern farming and micro-enterprises support initiative, has helped the families to earn double the amount they used to make a year ago.

The project offers 28 livelihood interventions for affected families.

Considering the variation of the requirements of each of these livelihood assistance areas, implementation is planned in a phased manner and the beneficiaries are getting training on these areas.

Purandar Das of Kaliataila village, a beneficiary who has seen his income getting doubled in two years, – says he started a small shop with bare minimum tools five years ago. But due to lack of fund he could not have required tools. People used to go to 5 km from the village for any type of cycle repair work.

His dream to expand the shop by adding the required additional tools was fulfilled through LRP support. Now his shop is well equipped with new tools and spare parts which are in regular demand.

“Now, my income has doubled and I’m earning between Rs 600 and Rs 1000 daily as against Rs 100 a day earlier,” says Purandar.

Another beneficiary Ashok Behera who received three sewing machines through LRP costing around Rs 24,000, one being the higher version with multiple stitching and designing options, is now getting orders more than Rs 15,000 per month and catering to the demand of local market.

“The LRP changed the life of displaced families. We drawn up a roadmap to change the economic landscape of the area by providing all necessary hand-holding support,” Ramesh R Pai, Chief Operating Officer of GMR Kamalanga Energy Limited (GKEL), – told this newspaper on Sunday.

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