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IMMT Bhubaneswar celebrated the International women’s day

Bhubaneswar, March  3: CSIR –INSTITUTE OF MINERALS AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY, Bhubaneswar celebrated the International women’s day with a range of programsduring1st -3rdMarch 2023.

Various interactive sessions with eminent doctors were conducted with the students, staff and their families on health management and awareness. Dr Suvendu N. Mishra, Psychiatrist, SUM hospitals, Bhubaneswar spoke on “Anxiety and Stress management” and Dr Soumya Dash, Consultant, Hi-Tech hospitals, Bhubaneswar addressed in detail about “Gynaecological problems from womb to tomb” with preventive measures.

Competitions and extracurricular activities such as extempore elocution, thematic art competition, and Millet themed Food fair were also conducted for the staff, students and research scholars which brought out the creative side of the participants. The international women’s day celebrationswere held on 3rd Marchwith distinguished women professionals from the state as invitees. Prof.Sabita Acharya, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University graced the event as Chief Guest, speaking about the need for feminist approach to policy making to promote gender inclusive culture.

Prof.Mira Das, SOA University and Ms. MadhumitaMohanty, former consultant Reliance Retail were present on the occasion as Guests of honour and deliberated on the potential of digital technology as an equalizer for gender parity and importance of eliminating unconscious gender bias in order to promote women to the mid and upper management levels. Prof. G.N.Sastry, Director of CSIR-IMMT joined the program virtually, while Dr.A.K.Sahu, Scientist in-charge and Dr M.G.Sujana, convener of the international women’s day celebrations presided over the program.

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