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Hinduism across the World

By Our Correspondent

Cuttack,Mar 22 :  The Intellectual Cell of the BJP, Cuttack Branch held a meeting over the zoom platform to discuss  the importance of Hinduism and its scriptures spread over the world. The cell arranged this meet in honour of the birth centenary celebration of the late Prime Minister, Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Bajpayi. Mr Ravi Kumar, the campaigner of RSS foreign unit was the chief speaker. Mr Ravi Kumar is an engineer and he left his lucrative job and joined in the sangha for doing some public works. He is a very busy person and usually travels throughout the year to promote the activities of the Sangh Parivar and preach to interested group on Hinduism and its associate philosophy.

Mr Kumar, in his speech quoted the opinion of the world leaders on Hinduism and their respect to India and its people. India is considered as Viswa Guru, due to its scriptures like the Veda and Geeta. These ancient texts contain knowledge of all branches of human endeavor. These scriptures have tremendous impact on the population of the world. The bhagawat geeta is translated to many important languages of the world. He also revealed that the Muslims also secretly adorn this holy book. He advised the members of the IC to participate in politics to take care of the reforms they desire. By shouting from outside the arena of politics will not give any result. He wished all Hindu voters to exercise their power of franchise in the elections to select a proper government. his suggestion is that all senior citizens and responsible members of the country need to spend at least one hour per day to protect the heritage and culture of the country. They may use this time of one hour to augment the moral standards and removing the superstition, lack of knowledge and ignorance. Up on the request of the elite audience, he promised to participate in more of such meetings of the cell in future.

Mr Barada Das, the chief co-ordinator of the Intellectual cell moderated the meeting and in his turn to speak placed importance on the education system of the country. Mr Das suggested re writing of history. Instead of glorifying the deeds of cruel unethical rulers immigrated to this country, our education system need to emphasize on the Hindu philosophies which are accepted globally.

Pratap Rout, Niranjan Panda, Umasankar Mishra, Nimai Swain, Shankar Pai and Kishore Ailani participated in the discussion session of the meet.

Lopa Mudra Mohanty, Nitai Nanda, Dr S.K.Kalimulay, Suren Pradhan, Beda Prakash Arya, SArbeswar Behera, Abhimanyu Mohapatra and many others were present in the meet. Many people have seen this program in the U.Tube.

Mr Bibhudutta Mohanty, a senior worker of the RSS,analysed the proceedings and offered vote of thanks to the chief speaker, Moderator, Participators in discussion and the audience. The meeting ended with an assurance of more such discussions in future. Interested persons can go through the proceedings in the U.Tube.

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