National News

G20 foreign ministers’ meet could not agree on joint communique

NEW DELHI, MARCH 2: The G20 foreign ministers’ meeting on Thursday was unable to come out with a joint communique due to sharp differences over the Ukraine conflict despite persistent efforts by host India to build consensus.

The meeting, held under India’s presidency, adopted a Chair’s Summary and Outcome document.

There were issues relating to the Ukraine conflict, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said at a media briefing.

Several diplomats said there were deep divisions between the US-led West and the Russia-China combine over the Ukraine conflict.

Jaishankar said there were “polarised views” on the issue.

The external affairs minister said the Outcome Document and the Chair’s Summary reflected the G20’s resolve to deal with pressing global challenges.

There was a large number of issues where there was agreement, he said.

Jaishankar also said the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting unequivocally condemned terrorism.


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