Combating Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria
Dr Sarbeswar Mohapatra

Villages, towns, cities and metros in India are under the reel of mosquito menace. The growth of mosquitoes is happening by leaps and bounds and seems uncontrollable due to various reasons.
Mosquitoes are the sole carriers of infectious virus and are responsible for dengue, chikungunya, malaria (both Falciparum andVexes),Japanese encephalitis and many other dreaded diseases, known / yet to be known.
Huge expenses are incurred by the affected persons suffering from mosquito-borne diseases. Expenditure by state / Union governments in this regard is enormous. The local self-governments, the panchayats, NGOs and health-caring agencies need to focus on this growing threat to human beings.
Few suggestions are given below, to combat mosquito menace and to allowCitizens to have sound sleep at night- whether at home, hotels, stations or at other places.
- Frequent emission of mosquito-repellant smoke by using fungingmachines in the cities by Municipal / Local authorities, is to be either managed by private agencies or through PPP mode.
- Cleaning of backyards of housing Complexes, drains,sewerages.
- Accumulation ofGarbage, Stagnant water in vacant dwelling areas are perpetual breeding grounds for mosquitoes. The Municipal / Town sanitation staff may be advised to locate such places. Notices could be issued to the owners / allotteesby taking the help of the neighbors, Revenue Inspectors, Co-op Societies, development agencies Corporate bodies, NGOs, etc. to fill such vacant water- loggingspots with sand or soil within a given timeframe. Imposition of heavy penalty on violation of the missives may be introduced and implemented strictly.
- Rampant increase of cow /buffalo sheds, piggeriesin dwelling areas is a curse to human habitat and a boon for the growth of mosquito population. These need to be monitored and controlled.
- In non-sewerage-facility areas, the house owners / dwellers should be advised to use anti-mosquito-generating disinfectants in the soak-pits. The open soak-pits should be fixed with nets so as to stop mosquitoes entering in to the same andfacilitating breeding.
- Paper notification and audio-visual advertisement from Govt. side, to make people aware of the perils of non-adherence of the above salutary suggestions, be made at regular intervals so as to inculcate the habits amongst the people.
- Supply of medicated-mosquito nets through Government / Co-op. Societies for everyone, at a reduced price is an important measure to be undertaken by the Government Authentication.
- Regular usage of anti-mosquito-breeding liquid/oil in stagnant water areas and drains by Municipalities / Local authorities to be ensured.
- Scientists across the country may continue to research into further methods of Combating not only the growth of mosquitoes but also to help the Nationto be mosquito-free and relative diseases. Otherwise, suffering of people from spreading of dreaded mosquito-borne diseases will continue unabated. And, there shall be no end to this controllable menace lest the disease wouldbe called “man-made” by the posterity.