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Brainstorming session on participatory models of governance by Young Indians

By Swagatika Bhutia

Bhubaneswar, April 26: Young Indians in collaboration with Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, is hosting a brainstorming sessionat Centurion University Campus at 27th of April, 2023 at 4pm on Participatory models of governance-A dialogue between young Indian achievers and governance institutions of urban and rural local bodies

Young Indians is the Official host to G20(YEA) & Y20 Engagement group.The Youth 20 engagement group with Young Indians shall have the sessions on following topics

●             Municipal reforms and participatory planning

●             Institutional and human capacity building for the social sector

●             Citizen monitoring and social accountability of services

The objective of the initiative is to facilitate an outcome based discussion towards future leadership & awareness of global issues through exchange of ideas, arguments, on basis of consensus.

For the session the expert panelist would be Shri Suryawanshi Mayur Vikas,IAS, Additional Commissioner BMC, Mrs.Abha Mishra, HOO,UNDP, Mr.Priyadarshi Mohapatra,Founder CureBay, Chancellor Centurion University

The session will be moderated by Young Indian member

More than 300+students from Centurion Universityalong with other Yuva colleges like USBM,BIITM,RITE,Synergy etc will attend the session.

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