Attention of Housing and Urban Development DEpartment

BHUBANESWAR, AUG 26 : It is a matter of great regret that, some people of upper strata in the society are using the public roads as the toilet ground for their pets, more specifically the Dogs.
In this rainy season, the stool of dogs is creating foul smell. It makes life of the pedestrians miserable and sometimes unbearable. Besides this the stray dogs of the street are barking and howling in the night. This noise affects the sleeping habit of senior people. Even due to this, some aged people are suffering from insomnia and hypertension.
It is also painful to say that, many of the people of affluent class are parking their vehicles in both sides of the road permanently. This makes the roads congested and sometimes indirect cause of accidents.
The senior citizens request the local municipal authorities and the representatives of the people sit together and formulate certain laws, so that the entire public is benefitted. In the present time, vehicles can’t be avoided and at the same time, there should be some law and policy so that, such that inconvenience to the general public is avoided. The representatives of the people have a role in carrying out this objective.