Air India fined Rs 10 lakh for denying boarding to passengers holding valid tickets

NEW DELHI,JUNE 15: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has imposed a fine of Rs10 lakh on Air India (A-I) for denying boarding to passengers holding valid tickets. “In addition, the airline has been advised to immediately put the systems in place to resolve the issue failing which further action shall be taken,” the regulator said.
The action comes following numerous reports of flyers being denied boarding by a slew of airlines despite being in possession of valid tickets and showing up on time. Despite guidelines on the same being in place, certain airlines are not following them, the DGCA said after conducting a series of checks at Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi.
In the case of Air India, a show cause notice was issued to the airline and also a personal hearing was afforded. “It appears that the airline does not have a policy in this regard and is not paying any compensation to hapless passengers, whose numbers can be anybody’s guess,” the DGCA said.
Laying down guidelines for denying boarding to a passenger despite a valid ticket, the DGCA said in case an airline is able to arrange an alternate flight within an hour, no compensation is to be paid.