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Adani foundation Observes National Girl Child Day

Dhamra, Jan. 24 : With an aim to promote awareness on the importance of girl child, their education, and health & nutrition, Adani Foundation the CSR wing of Adani Dhamra Port observed the 15th National Girl Child Day on 24th January 2023 in its nearby villages. The day was observed by all Sahayaks of 46 Utthan centres and Sanginis of SuPoshan project giving emphasis on this year’s theme “Digital Generation, Our Generation”.

A school specific public rally, with the participation of students, teachers, and Anganwadi workers of respective villages was conducted with the slogan “Beti Bachao: Beti Padhao”. After the rally students participated in drawing, message card, debate competitions. All the teachers highlighted the various prospective of girl child education in 21st century and government initiatives on promoting girl child education. In addition to this the teachers also highlighted the role of all in ensuring the safety of the Girl Child in society.

A community level awareness on health and hygiene practice among girl children was created by Sanginis from our SuPoshan project. The program addressed the law on female feticide, violence against girl child & women and reservation related to girl child rights in education, health, service, and property sector.

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