National News

Adani Dhamra Port rescues 7 fishermen

Dhamra, OCT. 21: A fishing trawler that was sinking in the deep sea was rescued by Adani Dhamra Port staff on Thursday. Total of 7 fishermen were rescued from the crippled fishing trawler and all are safe. They are Raju Jena, Rajanikanta, Sandip Singh, Harun Ali Khan, Subash Mandal, S K Dadrul, Nandlal Gudia

Fishing boat “KANAK TARINI” reported to port control that fishing boat “GUL BAHAR” main engine is not operational and there is ingress of water due to hull fracture. Fishing boat crew members were continuously bailing out the water using hand pump and scoop. Port control advised nearby fishing boats to proceed for rescue operations and in the meantime casted of Adani Dhamra port Service Boat D1 for providing assistance to the crippled fishing boat. 

The sinking trawler ‘Gulbahar’ was towed safely to the Dhamra fishing port with the help of Adani Dhamra Port Service Boat D-1A. A certain mishap was avoided due to the proactive actions of the Adani Dhamra Port staff. This work of Dhamra Port has been appreciated by local fishermen, intellectuals and public.

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