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German professor marries her love in Odisha to live as Odia bahu

By K.Kheti

Bolangir, Sept. 25: A German professor has given up her luxurious lifestyle to marry her love – an Odia man who in the past lived in London and now has settled in his village, far away from city life.

Ulrik Jason, the German professor, recently married to Shivaji Panda of Sonepur in Odisha.

The German lady says now she feels proud to be Odia bahu (daughter-in-law). Starting from ethnic dressing, cooking to living like rustic bahu, she has excelled in everything, agriculture and horiticulture.

As per reports, Ulrik worked as a sign language professor at a University in England. There, she met Shivaji Panda of Sindurpur village in Sonepur district.  Shivaji who is both deaf and dumb since birth was also working as a professor at the same University.

As they worked in the same place, Ulrik fell head over heels for Shivaji and knew that he was the one. Regardless of his impairment, she was smitten by his simplicity and kindheartedness.

The love story of Shivaji and Ulrik was short-lived after the former decided to leave England and settle down in his humble residence in Odisha. He opened an eco-village and started a sign language school. Later, Ulrik visited him and soon fell in love with Odisha and the village lifestyle. The couple then decided to get married and be with each other forever.

The couple had a court marriage in London in the presence of close friends and family. On her big day, Ulrik made sure the wedding was conducted as per Odia traditions. She opted for a local Sambalpuri saree instead of other bridal attires and looked as pretty as Odia bahu in bangles and mehendi.

“I’m very happy to have found a life partner like Ulrik. I could not have asked for more,” said an emotional Shivaji.

Now, the couple is leading a peaceful village, leaving behind the chaos of a city. They have grown 60 different varieties of trees, plants, and shrubs in their eco-village and take care of them. They also impart sign language lessons to youngsters in the village.

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