National News

Group of over 400 parents of LGBTQIA++ writes to CJI, seek marriage equality for their kids

NEW DELHI,APR 25: A group of over 400 parents has written to Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud, heading a bench hearing the pleas seeking legal sanction for same-sex marriage, urging that their LGBTQIA++ wards be granted the right to ‘marriage equality’.

The letter by ‘Sweekar-The Rainbow Parents’ assumes significance it comes when a five-judge constitution bench headed by the CJI is hearing a batch of petitions seeking legal validation for same-sex marriage for the fourth day.

“We desire to see our children and children-in-law find final legal acceptance for their relationship under the Special Marriage Act in our country.

We are certain that a nation as big as ours which respects its diversity and stands for the value of exclusion, will open its legal gate of marriage equality to our children too.

We are growing old. Some of us will touch 80 soon, we hope that we will get to see the legal stamp on the rainbow marriage of our children in our lifetime,” the group said in its letter.

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‘Sweekar-The Rainbow Parents’ is a group formed by the parents of Indian LGBTQIA++ ((lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, asexual, and ally) wards with the aim of supporting each other to accept one’s child fully and be happy as a family.

“We are appealing to you to consider marriage equality,” the letter said.

It said from knowing about gender and sexuality, to understanding the lives of our children, to finally accepting their sexuality and their loved ones- the parents have gone through the whole gamut of emotions.

“We empathise with those who are opposing marriage equality, because some of us were there too.

It took us education, debate and patience with our LIGTQIA++ children to realise that their lives, their feelings and their desires are valid.

Similarly, we hope that those who oppose marriage equality will come around too.

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We have faith in the people of India, the Constitution and the democracy of our nation,” it said.

It referred to the apex court judgement of 2018 by which it decriminalised consensual gay sex.

The judgement ensured LGBTQIA++ people are treated with dignity and acceptance.

“Society is a changing and evolving phenomenon.

Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, the judgement by the Supreme Court created a ripple effect on society and has helped,” it said.


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