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Hockey India representative praises newly build Jajpur stadium

By Akshya Rout

Jajpur, Jan. 12: Coinciding with the spectacular FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World cup inaugural ceremony at Barabati Stadium Cuttack, a similar splendid event was held at Hockey training center in Jajpur on Wednesday evening. Thousands of enthusiastic people gathered at the training center and witnessed the live telecast of the Barabati show.

Fire workers and colourful lights stole the hearts of the curious onlookers. Comedy actors Prangyan Ojha and Sankar’s spiced up the evening with their quirky jokes.

Dr. S Joseph, a representative of Hockey India, was present on the occasion. He said the newly built Hockey stadium in Jajpur was of world-class and international matches can be held on the value. In fact, the stadium was built with Nobel leadership of the local MLA Pranab Prakash Das.

Engineer Tara Prasad Mishra oversaw the construction of the stadium.

Speaking on the occasion, Tara Prasad said, “The dream of the Jajpur people to have a hockey stadium is now taking shape. Once it is fully ready, the local Hockey talents can hone up their skills.

Anupama malkick , a local resident, said she was quite happy to enjoy the live telecast on a big screen at the hockey training center.

“It was really a lifetime experience to enjoy the live telecast of the FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023 inaugural ceremony. We saw Ranveer Sing, Disha Patani and many other Bollywood and Ollywood actors performing on the bgi stage. We danced and sang with them as we watched their performances,” said Anupama.

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