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4th class student made to do sit-ups in school dies-  district administration launched probe

By Akshya Rout

Jajpur,Nov 23 :  A class four student of a government-run school  in Jajpur district died when a teacher allegedly forced him to do sit-ups on Tuesday. The district administration directed  on Wednesday the District Education Officer to submit a report .

The deceased Rudra Narayan Sethi was a student of Surya Narayan Nodal Upper Primary School at Orali under Rasulpur block.

Ten year old deceased  along with seven students had not brought their books to the school for which  one of the teachers ordered them to do sit-ups as punishment for their deed  Rudra, however, collapsed   for which we rushed him to the nearby Community Health Center at Rasulpur where doctors  referred  him to SCB medical college and hospital at Cuttack on Tuesday evening  where doctors declared him dead, said Pramila Panda the headmistress of the school.

 Rasulpur block education officer (BEO) Nilambar Mishra said  ‘On Wednesday  the   Additional Block Education Officer Pravaranjan Pati  rushed to the school to  investigate the matter. We will soon submit the report before the district administration’. 

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