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Mahavir Jayanti is a major festival of Jains

Writer Taraprasad  Mishra

 JAJPUR,APR 4 : Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated by the people of Jain faith in the month of March-April. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mahavira who was the last and the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism.

Mahavira was born to King Siddhartha and Queen Trishala, in the Ikshvaku dynasty. The legend states that during the pregnancy period the mother of Mahavira had a number of auspicious dreams. In Jainism, such dreams during the pregnancy indicate the arrival of a great soul.

 King Siddhartha interpreted the total of sixteen dreams that the queen had seen. It is also believed that upon the birth of Mahavira, Devraj Indra performed Abhisheka, which is the ritualistic anointment on Sumeru Parvat.

Mahavir Jayanti is a spiritual occasion for the people of Jainism and religious ascetics. They spend their time in meditation and reciting the verses of Mahavira. Usually, a temple is the place of worship and meditation.

Devotees also travel to significant Jain shrines and temples located across the country. Many Jain gurus are invited to the temples and even houses to preach about the teachings of Mahavira and the principles of Ahimsa and humanity that he professed. Practicing a strict fast is also one of the important methods to observe Mahavir Jayanti.

 Devotees give more significance to humanity, ahimsa, and harmony as preached by Mahavira. Mahavir Jayanti is a major festival of Jains, not only in India but throughout the globe. The very basic principle of Jainism is Ahimsa or non-violence. It is also the first and most important principle of life professed by Mahavira himself.

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