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Shambhavi Puraskar Nominations Deadline Extended

An opportunity for social service workersto impact more lives.

By Subrat Kumar Sarangi

Bhubaneswar, Dec 07 : The Bansidhar and Ila Panda Foundation (BIPF) has extended the application deadline for the prestigious Shambhavi Puraskar to December 15th. Instituted in 2014, this esteemed award celebrates, and honors individuals, groups, and organizations dedicated to social service in Odisha.

The Shambhavi Puraskaraims to spotlight the achievements of silent heroes who tirelessly engage in social work, inspiring others to join their noble cause. The award comprises a citation and a substantial cash prize. This financial support is aimed at bolstering the winners’ initiatives, enabling them to expand their outreach and create a more significant impact in their respective fields.

The awardee selection is based on the evaluation against specific criteria, including Impact, Sustainability, Community Participation, Scale, Innovation, and Beneficiaries. An independent jury panel comprising esteemed leaders from the government, academia, industry, media, and a representative from BIPF will adjudicate the winners.  This year’s jury includes Mr. Vishal Kumar Dev (IAS), Principal Secretary – Finance Department, Government of Odisha, Mr. Arabinda Mishra, Bureau Chief – PTI, Odisha, Mr. Shashank Grihacharjya, Director Gopabandhu Academy Centre of Excellence, Odisha, Mr. Pradyumna Kumar Choudhury, DGM – SIDBI, Odisha, and Ms. Shaifalika Panda, Trustee & Founder CEO, Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation, Odisha.

Interested and eligible applicants who missed out on the initial deadline or the opportunity, can submit their applications on the official website at on or before 15 December 2023.Alternatively, applicants can submit their offline applications via email at or FAX at +91 674 2580020 or 2580145, until the extended deadline.

For more information about the Shambhavi Puraskar and the application process, please visit or call atTEL: +91 674 2611000, 2580100.


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