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Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw’s magical charm woos Balasore voters to BJP

By Sudam Patra

Balasore, May 23: Union railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, a Rajya Sabha member from Odisha who plunged into politics after quitting his IAS job and then a career in corporate world, has his own charms and charisma to win the hearts of voters.

Sent on a mission to Odisha’s Balasore by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to campaign for party’s Lok Sabha candidate Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Vaishnaw seems to be playing all the tricks up his sleeve to catch the fascination of people.

Camping in Balasore for four days now, Ashwini is seen regularly praying in the temples that come on his way to different places across the constituency. What is more interesting is that the suave Vaishnaw, attired in light-colour kurta pyjama, offers Saashtaang Pranaam (paying respect by prostration) at the temples, instantly striking a chord with the public gathered there.

Also on the way, he takes little children in his arms and affectionately plays with them.

The politician never forgets to stop at regular intervals at roadside tea stalls. He sips the tea with common people gathered there and chats with them. Never does he frustrate his admirers who want to hug him and capture the moments in their camera frames.

In fact, Ashwini Vaishnaw was collector of Balasore in 1999 and he has a good understanding of the political topography and demography of the parliamentary constituency.

“Balasore people are so loving and caring that I always remember my past association with them. Years have passed since I left Balasore. But, my relationship and bond with them still remain as strong as before. In fact, it has grown stronger after I became minister and tried to meet their aspirations. We have undertaken massive railway development activities in the district and people are quite happy,” says Vaishnaw.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Balasore on May 29 for his poll campaign. And, as it seems, Vaishnaw has already made the much needed groundwork to see that the PM’s mega public rally becomes a huge success.


Photograph: Union railway minister Ashwni Vaishnaw in different avatars during his poll campaign in Odisha’s Balasore parliamentary constituency. 

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