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Maoists kills youth by slitting throat in Odisha’s Kandhamal

By Sanjay Panigrahi

Baligudua (Kandhamal/Odisha), Oct. 25: A youth was reportedly killed by Maoists on suspicion of being a police informer in Odisha’s Kandhamal district on Monday evening.

The incident was reported from Kunasalu village near Tikarpaju under Baliguda police limits and the deceased was identified as Nilakantha Malik.

Sources said the ultras barged into Nilakantha’s house and dragged him out and killed him by slitting his throat on the charge of sharing information with police about their outfit’s activities in the region.

 The victim’s body was on Tuesday found in Tilak jungle under Pokharibandh reserve forest.

Following the incident, involvement of Kandhamal-Kalahandi-Boudh-Nayagarh (KKBN) division of the outlawed CPI (Maoist) came to the fore after the cadres left posters at the spot claiming responsibility for the murder. 

The ultras also warned villagers of dire consequences if they chose to side with the police and act against them. They said the killing was an act of revenge following the death of a woman Maoist and detention of few others in an exchange of fire with security personnel on October 12.

After killing Nilakantha, the ultras torched a road construction contractor’s camp at Ambabadi village near Baliguda. They set fire earthmovers, tractors and other equipment used for road construction.  

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