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Live and Let live brings turnaround in lives of small and marginal farmers

By Kshetramohan Behera

Bhubaneswar, July 3: Live and Let Live (LALL), a non-governmental organization (NGO) established by a group of young and committed youths in the year 1994, has been exclusively working on agriculture and livelihood promotion of small and marginal farmers of Odisha.

Though it started its work from few remote villages of Raghunathpur block of present Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha, the organization has expanded its area of operation to other districts of the state. The organization promotes entrepreneurs, particularly among women, facilitating farmer organizations/clubs/ producer groups, promotes production of foundation and certified seeds in collaboration with farmers, farmer organization and government seed certification agency.

Geographically the Raghunathpur block is one of the major irrigated blocks of Jagatsinghpur district, as two major irrigation canals namely Machhagaon canal and Taladanda canal are situated both South and North sides of the block. Out of 19 Gram Panchayats(GP), 16 GPs are irrigated. Due to irrigated coastal plain the area is thickly populated. So, the average land holding of the farmer is 2 acres. Nearly 80 per cent families of these GPs are small and marginal farmers, and share- croppers. Paddy in Kharif and pulses (Moong and Black-gram) in Rabi are the major crops of the area.

Given the available irrigation facilities, the production and productivity of different crops of the region is higher than the state average. Unfortunately, the key challenges faced by the farmers are unavailability of quality seeds on time and marketing of the produces. To address the issues of farmers including timely availability of quality seeds, distress sale of produces (particularly paddy); LALL took the initiative of collectivizing the farmers by mobilizing them through a Farmer Producer Organization (FPOs).

As a result, Gorekhanath Farmers Producers Company Limited was formed and registered in the year 2013 under Indian Companies Act 1956 at Redhua village of Raghunathpur Block of Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha.

Gorekhanatha FPCL now has a total shareholders of 1559. Out of the total, 152 farmers are engaged in Seed Production, 700 farmers in production of Aromatic rice and the rest are in production of sugar-free rice.

The FPC obtained required licenses and started both input and output businesses. It supplied quality seeds, foundation and certified, to the members on time, facilitated seed production programs and provided access to market to sale the seeds produced by the member farmers.

Prior to the FPC i.e. before 2013, the small and marginal farmers, including the share-croppers of Redhua, Radhanga, Purunabasanta, Tanara and Adheikul GPs of Raghunathpur block, which are located in interior pockets of the block and around 10 KMs away from the block headquarters were suffering a lot and were selling their produces at distress prices. LALL devised a strategy jointly with Gorekhanath FPCL to enhance income and improve the livelihood conditions of shareholders by engaging them in seed production and marketing seeds through the FPCL.

The organization started collaboration with NRRI, OUAT and Agriculture Department of the state. The scientists of these institutes imparted field based training to the farmers on scientific methods of seed production. Seed production was started in a 10 Acres patch of land following prescribed scientific methods from land preparation to harvesting and post-harvesting management.

Besides capacity building, Gorekhanath FPCL also provides continuous hand-holding support and technical guidance to the shareholders. The farmers are also taught about preparation and application of organic/ green manures, line transplantation, application of appropriate dose of fertilizer, plant protection measures, rouging and post harvest

After working of company the seed production,procurement and marketing work was done in organised way.During the working period of company the shareholders were trained regarding cultivation in patch approach ,applying green manuring, line transplanting, sound fertiliser application, plant protection, rougging and post harvesting by the expert of NRRI,OUAT, agriculture department.

As a result, the shareholder of company produce their products in quality and sale their seeds more than  Rs 500  of minimum support price (MSP). In 2021, the company produced and sold 3,500 quintals paddy seeds in the market. The company has appointed  22 seeds dealers throughout the state.

By this work of company, the general shareholder has no marketing risk for sale his products and the company paid the cost of products to shareholder in high price than market and MSP. The entire transaction was made by Bank.

Due to quality seed production the Farmers from different parts of the state and country ,Agricuture Students of OUAT and SOA are coming to company as exposore visit.The Agriculture dept of  Govt of Odisha has awarded to this company as best Farmer producer company for quality seed production in the year 2020.

Due to achievement of company The  SFAC Govt of India agency has provided 17 of FPOS to Live and Let Live(LALL) as CBBO for formation and promotion of 10000 FPOS under central sector scheme in 17 blocks and 7 districts of Odisha.

Case study-1.In the year 2015 Mr.Narayan Sasmal of Murunia Village had taken Rs.1,75,000 against his 85 quintals paddy seeds and performed his daughter marriage ceremony.

Case study -2. In the year 2017 Mr.Saroj Kumar Nayak of Baratira village received Rs 1,50,000 against his 65.22 quintals paddy seeds stock and entire money has spent to his son Medical Education (MBBS)

(The author leads Gorekhanath Agri-Producer Company Ltd)

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