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BTech engineer  Jagannth now successful rabbit farmer


JAJPUR,JUNE 10: The Covid-19 robbed him of his job. Crestfallen, he returned home. But soon he gathered guts to stand on his home and stated arming to earn a living. Two years after he is now a successful. Meet Jagannath Maharana, a BTech engineer who was working at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mysore.

Today, he has made a name for himself by cultivating rabbit. Jagannath is from Panikoili area of Jajpur district. By rearing rabbit in a commercial basis, he has been able to earn between Rs 9 lakh and Rs 10 lakh a year.

He was forced to return home less than two years ago after the Covid epidemic. Seeing YouTube, he decided to set up a rabbit farm. Later, with the help of a relative, he got trained in this regard. Returning home, he started a farm on his land in the village.

 Jagannath first started the farm in February last year with 70 male and 30 female rabbits. It was a spectacular success. In about 90 days, about 350 babies were born. A rabbit grows at a faster rate and consumes less grain and grass than a hen. Besides, its meat is better.

Now Jagannath is selling the rabbits both in his district and outside.This has given self confidence to Jagannath. Engineer Taraprasad said Jagannath has succeeded in rabbit farming because of his strong will power.

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