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Sanjit Kumar Ratha

Sanjit Kumar Ratha

After many scientific proofs, astonishing facts, thrilling adventures, never-going-to-be-over discoveries and intuitive inventions, a lot of puzzles still remain to be solved. Starting from Galilean theories on the cosmos to the Hawking’s unification, we are still revealing but the centre of the Universe is yet to be unveiled. Above all these chronicles, the most curious conspiracy is “Where to End?”

Perhaps the end will be with the apocalypse of mankind or with the genesis of a new species…a species which will be more profound, logical and smart. The answer is yet in a mystery box. The key to open it lies somewhere beneath the cerebrum. But we, the homosapiens are continuously digging in solving the unsolved cobwebs. Perhaps we have outreached but still uncontented. So bridging to some parallel universe is till yet continued.

Space and Time; the two variables unidentified and relativity diversified. The cycle of life is just playing merry-go-round. A fun-filled but self-proclaimed child is going to be an arrogant adult. Supremacy lies and left with self-esteem. Wow! This ‘being human’ culture.

Take a look at the live game of soccer. One forwards to the goal, one is going to defend and one is still in the midfield just playing with the tracks with a harmony. The harmony with ups and downs, crests and trough. At some space and time, life rushes towards the goal: the ambition. After reaching the ambition, Will it be the “END”? Or we need to defend the goal till the final whistle blow (the life called off). Still the question remains the same, WHERE TO END?

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