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Kalinga Baliyatra Mohatsav preparation reached final stage

By Pravakara Sahoo

Paradip, Nov. 5; The Kalinga Baliyatra Festival preparation at Paradip have reached the final stage which will be held on 7th to 14th November. Under the supervision of District Magistrate and Chairman of Kalinga Baliyatra Committee (KBC) Parul Patwari, Dr.Kanhu Charan Dhir, Paradip Additional District Magistrate cum vice chairman of KBC, Basant Biswal,Chairman, Paradip Municipality and committee members are seen to be making extensive arrangements and preparations to make this festival more attractive and success.

This year, a total of 600 stalls including 200 stalls of Pallishree Mela are being constructed. Apart from this, all the famous cultural troops and artists of Odisha are making arrangements to perform their programs on the modern stage which is under construction.

However, for the first time  life guards and security personnel will deploy for public safety on the beach. Along with this, a toilet has been arranged near the stage for the guests, while a mobile toilet has been installed by municipality for the public purpose. Similarly,KBC has proposed to implementation of insured policy for general public with apprehending any mishaps in the festival. In addition, the police administration will depute 7 platoon police force and 20 senior police officers to maintain peace and maintaining law and order situation during the eight-days long festival,informed by Nimain Charan Sethy, ASP, Paradip

However, in view of the favorable weather and expecting heavy crowd, it seems that there is a base interest among the traders who come to do business in the baliyatra festival. Likewise, the residents of Paradip, Jagatsinghpur and Kendrapara, who have been under house arrest for many years due to the corona epidemic restrictions, enjoy the Paradip Kalinga Baliyatra festival at the same time.

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